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WSMV Sports Promotion: Touchdown Friday

WSMV, like many television stations, has a Friday Night High School football show. This is usually the one spot I can make a little different during the year. Traditionally, TV stations will take whatever game highlight footage they like from the season before and edit it into a spot with music. It feels lazy to me.


I consider the "Touchdown Friday" spot an opportunity for experimentation and pushing myself creatively. One year I shot a fluid master as a player takes the play to the huddle. Another year, I shot team members at 120fps to dramatize the game a touch. This past year, I took the opportunity to experiment with haze effects. 

4K frames
Screen Shot 2016-07-23 at 10.55.38 PM
Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 4.34.48 PM
Orange Guard in The Sun
Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 10.08.30 PM
Angela in the sun_1.13.1
A frame grab from my lastest DOP duties_edited
sunset city aerials_1.19.1
Single source lighting.jpg Love it
This is home AM
Embrace The Day A
65th Anniversary Spot still
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